The principle of maximum entropy and the principle of minimum influence from the position of models in different sections
With involvement of different sections of mathematics: the tor of operations in topology and a theory of combinations, an approximation of function of two variables by the sum of products of function of one variable Soboleva in spaces, infinite-to-one spaces of loops when reviewing a transfer, the theorem of Grotendika-Rimana-Rokha for nonspecial varieties, etc., consider some plants correspond them with a position of models, it are show that these models by comparison with a condition of system with the maximum entropy correspond to a principle of least action, was rather convincingly correlat among themselves. Therefore the purpose of the paper - to show a similarity of interaction of correspond plants in thermodynamics, a mechanics and mathematics. Thus, this purpose, could lead to some Applications of more detailed study of various dynamic systems where from correspond models it are possible to pass to a writing of algorithms and further to a writing of programs. For example when reviewing interaction of geodynamic components of the Earth (atmospheres, was more its than the upper stratum - ionospheres). In the Inference it are formulate that when reviewing dynamic systems, with a position are more their than more detailed study, "interosculation" of various areas of mathematical knowledge where the maximum principle of an entropy corresponded to a principle of least action are necessary and these principles should appear with a position of some "governor".