This joint research work is devoted to quantitative radio diagnostics of flare and proton events based on their radio bursts near the end of the 24th solar activity cycle. Observations were carried out on the 12 – meter radio telescope of the Institute of Ionosphere of the Republic of Kazakhstan at frequencies f=1 and f=3 GHz. Studies have shown that three flare events: B 6.2/~X 2.4, 01.09.2014; M 2.7, 21.06.2015 and M 7.9, 25.06.2015, fully meet the proton criteria. The intersection point of radio emissions of dual-frequency ( 1 and 3 GHz ) solar proton events determines the zero time of the beginning of their pulses and gradual phases. In the first – pulse phase, electrons predominate, and in the second – the phase of gradual increase in the number of protons. The acceleration of electrons in the “first” phase during solar flares is 4-8 min.; the acceleration of electrons and protons in the “second” phase varies in the range of 10-46 min. The time-intensity profiles we built and the values of the Herest index we found allow us to follow the dynamics of the combustion events we studied. This allows us to evaluate the habituation events both qualitatively and quantitatively. Thus, the values of radio data obtained as a result of applying the method to these three proton events quite correctly reflect phenomena that differ from each other in their characteristics, both in the scale of observation and in the energy of the spectra.
Keywords: radio emission – solar electron and proton events – solar flares – radio diagnostics.
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