: meteoroids, meteor phenomena, agroglyphs, instrument complex, crop circles.Abstract
: Based on the study of the phenomenon of wheat stalks regular lodging on a large area (Voznesenovsky phenomenon), the possibility of linking this and other similar phenomena (agroglyphs) of natural origin with the action of cosmic factors is analyzed. The criteria features of the phenomena under consideration and particular structural features of the phenomenon under study are determined. It is shown that in order to explain the totality of facts, the most promising is to attract the idea of a short–term radiation effect of sufficiently high energy on the entire plant array. This point of view is quite consistent with the features of the structure and physiology of cereal crops stems. The reason for the wheat stalks lodging could be the heating of their nodes under the action of a pulse of microwave radiation. The preference for microwave radiation, but not infrared radiation, is physically justified. The supposed source of the microwave radiation pulse is the development of a meteor phenomenon generated by the intrusion into the Earth's atmosphere of a meteor body containing a significant mass of water ice. The paper shows that in this case, one can expect the appearance of a pulse of forced (maser–type) radiation at a wavelength of 1,35 cm. This radiation can reach the Earth's surface quite freely. Calculations of the energy and mass of a meteor body, which capable to generat the considered effect, are in good agreement with the data of meteor astronomy. Orderliness in the lodging of stems is explained from the standpoint of heliotropism of plant development. The general aspects of the agroglyphs appearance connection with the manifestations of meteoric activity and the prospects for the development of the study are discussed.