LAWS OF EVOLUTION living and nonliving matter


  • V. A. Gusev Институт математики им. С.Л. Соболева СО РАН
  • A. D. Gruzdev Институт Цитологии и генетики СО РАН, Новосибирск
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This paper presents a comparative analysis of the problems of evolution of living and nonliving systems in order to construct a unified model of the dynamics of open nonequilibrium systems. To carry out systematic analysis, the authors used the generalized philosophical comparison of the animate and inanimate, as a single and indivisible property of matter


How to Cite

Gusev, V. A., & Gruzdev, A. D. (2021). LAWS OF EVOLUTION living and nonliving matter. THE JOURNAL OF THE OPEN SYSTEMS EVOLUTION PROBLEMS, 13(2), 87–105. Retrieved from