Audiovideoprograms for social reabilitation of children and teen-agers experenced emergency situation


  • A. S. Goncharova International University of Nature, Society and Man "Dubna", Dubna, Russia
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Abstract: The peper presents the analysis and the method of rehabilitation of children and adolescents  exsperienced an emergency situation. The use of computer  programs made in the audio-video format (for exampl, color and sound) the real way of purposeful corrective effect of the emotional component of a child for the purpose of relieving stress and harmonize is interpersonal processes.

Keywords: affected children and adolescents, social rehabilitation, disaster, fear, emergency situation, stress, color therapy and sound therapy, audio-video programs. 


How to Cite

Goncharova, A. S. (2021). Audiovideoprograms for social reabilitation of children and teen-agers experenced emergency situation. THE JOURNAL OF THE OPEN SYSTEMS EVOLUTION PROBLEMS, 16(1), 56–61. Retrieved from