society, ontology, negative trends, physical principles, entropyAbstract
The nature of the emergence of various negative trends in societal development is examined, which, against the backdrop of scientific and technological achievements - products of human intellect -appear as an alien (introduced) attribute of human civilization. There is no explanation for the phenomenon of degradation in culture, education, ethics, economy, and politics derived from general methods in social and humanities sciences. In this context, the analysis justifies the need to consider immanent development trends within both individual elements of society and society as a whole, as verified by extensive practice of key scientific principles in physics. Based on the concept of society as a closed system, this study systematically examines the possible social consequences of the principle of minimum energy and Hamilton’s principle of least action in the social sphere. Considering views on the intellectual and spiritual state of society and individuals, as well as social action, it is shown that negative changes in society may be ontologically driven by the manifestation of these principles in the absence of any moderators of societal development. The most general and criterion-significant approach to analyzing the current and prospective state of society is the application of the concept of entropy and the second law of thermodynamics to almost all areas of human activity. The study explores the possibility of minimizing entropic trends in societal development, with the key factor in this transformation being the shift towards an open system. Based on the application of this method, conclusions are drawn regarding the comparative value of various socio-philosophical concepts
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